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Astrology Sept 5th 2019. Free Earth!
After Wednesday’s long Scorpio void Moon things are going to speed up massively as the Moon moves into the sign of freedom and vision, Sagittarius, at 9.08 pm MDT on Wednesday.
The first Lunar aspects will be a trine to Chiron in Aries and a conjunction with Ceres which will certainly fire things up a little bit and which may offset the more calming Mercury in Virgo trine to Saturn in Capricorn. I’ve been waking up at crazy o’clock over the last couple of nights and I suspect this will be no different as Mercury in Virgo is squaring my natal Moon/Jupiter opposition in Gemini/Sagittarius ready to write a third book! I haven’t even finished the edits to the second lol.
Whatever projects the Virgo party has you doing, you are likely to wake ready to get to work on them tomorrow again. The first half of this month is about getting organized dependent on the area of your chart Virgo inhabits. In fact, I would look to the entire mutable cross in your chart. That means where Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are because that area is lit up like a Christmas tree right now and changes need to be made.
On Thursday evening the Sagittarius Moon starts to square all the Virgo placements with a square to Mars, then the first quarter Moon at 9.10 pm MDT, followed by a conjunction to Jupiter, square to Mercury and that means, therefore, that…