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Astrology Oct 13 2021. New World?
Busy day in the Cosmos with a focus on creating stability for the future in finances and relationships. Venus and Saturn in visionary signs suggest business planning (which I did late yesterday) and commitment to creating solid goals and structures. A great day to look at investments in both areas to create sustainability. The Aquarius Moon activates the Venus/Saturn sextile carrying the effect of this aspect into tomorrow.
Newly retrograde Ceres in Gemini aspects both Mercury in Libra (stationing direct on the 18th) and Vesta in Scorpio inviting us to focus on what really nurtures us and what we want to nurture in our world.
What has real meaning for our lives? Take a look around? Is it time for a good clear out that which no longer fills your soul to make space?
Has what you value shifted and does your outer life reflect those new values? If you are in a relationship it’s a good day to talk about the future you are building together but don’t forget to prioritize self care and create in partnership from a place of wholeness, express your own desires. If you are not in a relationship think about your own future.
As the Moon is waxing to full on the 20th (don’t forget to listen to the Weirdly Cosmic Podcast) and the underlying energies are challenging but also paradigm shifting with huge potential, this is a good day to future…