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Astrology Nov 14 2022. Astonishing Evolution
Apologies for dating yesterday’s post the 12th — apparently I don’t know what day it is right now lol
Venus spends her last full day in Scorpio as she approaches her heliacal rise as Libra evening star and ends her time in this sign with a magical trine to Jupiter in domicile Pisces and a square to Vesta in Aquarius. The Scorpio Sun also trines Neptune in Pisces adding to the ongoing sparkle of the water grand trine.
The Moon is in Leo approaching the third quarter square and Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Pluto as planet of birth and fertility, Haumea, settles into the fertile waters of Scorpio.
One of my favorite songs is John Mayer’s ‘Waiting on the World to Change’ and it feels like it has. Marianne Williamson even said in her Substack that ‘There does seem to be a realignment of the stars going on.’.
Or maybe it’s us that’s changed.
I am not suggesting that there isn’t more that needs to change but it does feel like the tide has turned and that we have collectively moved towards some kind of evolutionary breakthrough.
Todays aspects are another gentle push in that evolution, another contraction in the birthing of something that has the potential to be amazing.