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Astrology May 14th 2019. Heating Up!
As we approach the flooding Scorpio Full Moon on the 18th, listen to the Weirdly Magical podcast with Jen Duchene and Lou here, we can really feel the energy heating up.
I got an email from saying that CME’s (Coronal Mass Ejections) are being hurled at the Earth which cause geomagnetic storms and auroras and always heighten the energy.
Combine that with a waxing Moon that is going to be a pretty major and dramatic Scorpio Full Moon and things are getting intense again, as if they ever stopped for long.
Add to this Venus, at the last degree of Mars ruled Aries (fire) is aspecting out of bounds Mars in Gemini at his maximum elongation (craziest out of bounds energy) at the last degree of gemini (air) and the Moon will move into airy Venus ruled Libra at 12.50 pm mountain meaning a lot of fire and air, ‘burn it all down’ energy.
It very timely (no surprise) that Bill Nye made a surprise video on Last Week Tonight saying ‘The Planet’s f@@cking on Fire’. You can watch that here. If you just want the Nye bit it’s around 18' 30"
That’s reflected in the energy right now.
When the Moon is in Libra she opposes Chiron (key to healing and maverick shaman) and makes and inconjunct aspect to Uranus in Taurus and when Venus moves into the other sign…