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Astrology June 16, 2022. Other Timelines
We are still under the energy of the Gemini Sun’s aspects to both retrograde Saturn in Aquarius (trine) and Neptune in Pisces (square) today. As well as the early morning Venus conjunction with the Taurus North Node.
Additionally asteroid Hygeia (health) stationed direct early this morning and makes a quincunx to Mercury (news) in Gemini and we get the news of the Covid vax becoming available for young kids — not an invitation to discuss opinions about that, thanks. Just how the astro shows up. news of a turning point in a health matter.
As I write the Capricorn Moon is about to conjunct Retrograde Pluto which always brings up some deep emotions. Later Luna moves into Aquarius and aspects Mercury, Hygeia, and Jupiter in Aries suggesting forward movement in the health matter that has dominated our lives for months.
This can also apply to your own health, especially if you have planets or angles around 2˚. Incidentally, Hygeia stations direct at 2˚ Scorpio, the degree of the Solar Eclipse on Oct 25th this year. I was drawn to look at the Sabian symbol for that and it’s “A house-raising party in a small village enlist’s the neighbor’s co-operation”. Symbolizing that health is a team effort since we are all interconnected? I will let you decide that one, especially as we re-visit that degree at the end of October.