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Astrology April 16th 2019 Feel the Burn/Bern
My mind and soul is still reeling from the immense energy yesterday and the fact my quickly channeled post about the Notre Dame Fire went viral with 8k views and rising. You can read it here if you missed it. We now know that that the fire damage, whilst extensive, didn’t destroy the art and artifacts.
We also had news that Bernie Sanders is leading in all polls, including a Fox News poll, has released 10 years of tax returns and he held a highly successful Fox News town hall where the Republican audience loved him.
Also yesterday the Extinction rebellion in the UK took over the streets of London.
Change is in the air. Revolution is in the air.
I did say yesterday morning that there would be a surge and wow was I right? As we can see, a surge works in both positive and less positive ways.
And I cannot sleep! Of course, as I have mentioned before, my chart is lit up like a Christmas tree right now so sleep seems such a waste of time lol.
Today the Virgo Moon opposes Neptune, Lilith and Venus in Pisces, trines Saturn, the South Node and Pluto in Capricorn and squares Rx Jupiter in Sagittarius before another long void from 10.29pm to 5.22am mountain.